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Saturn in Aquarius


March 21 - July 1, 2020 + December 17, 2020 - March 7, 2023

On March 21st, Saturn will begin its transit through Aquarius. Aquarius is the innovator, the inventor, the progressive humanitarian and the ideologue. Our collective and personal lessons will shift. This is a brief visit before it Retrogrades in May and Re-Enters Capricorn in July and return to Aquarius December 17, 2020 until March 7, 2023.

Saturn in Aquarius brings lessons regarding the collective, humanitarian goals, technological and scientific advancement.

We’ve become so reliant on technology that, in many ways, we’ve lost connection to one another. There is no doubt that technological and scientific advancement has served us immensely, but it’s also exposed our shadows. Our instincts for self-preservation and tribal thinking has lessened our listening and increased our opinion-shouting. Where is our humanity in all of this? The information highway has us increasingly divorced from our hearts and our lands. And yet, this doesn’t need to be the case. It can serve them.

What will emerge from this transit remains unknown, but shortly after its completion, in March of 2023, Pluto will enter Aquarius. This is laying the foundation for even greater technological transformation. Will AI feature more greatly in our lives? How do we relate to robots? It’s also worth noting that Aquarius, being an air sign, is associated with the respiratory system. Breathing. Spaciousness. What lessons are emerging around the space we give ourselves and others? Do we believe in privacy? How much is necessary? What are we willing to forsake in service to society? Millennials experiencing the first Saturn Return and Boomers experiencing their second one, will be deeply impacted as the landscape continues to shift beneath our feet. How this will effect us individually depends on our Natal Chart, of course. You can find out where this is occurring for you in the Intro To Astro Course (included in the Cosmic Compass).

Saturn was last in Aquarius:

• February 6, 1991 to May 20, 1993 and again June 30, 1993 to January 28, 1994

• January 3, 1962 to March 23, 1964 and again September 16, to December 16, 1964

Note: If you were born during any these windows, you are experiencing a Saturn Return, which occurs when Saturn Returns to the point it was at your birth. This is a major transit of growth, increased responsibility and maturation. See further below for Saturn Return prompts. I also encourage you to look at the Intro To Astro Course (included in Cosmic Compass Membership) for more guidance.

2020 Saturn Dates

March 21: Enters Aquarius

May 10th: Saturn Retrogrades at 1 degree Aquarius

July 1st: Saturn Re-Enters Capricorn

September 28: Saturn goes Direct at 25 degrees Capricorn

December 17: Saturn re-enters Aquarius

2021 Saturn Dates

May 23, 2021: Saturn Retrogrades at 13 degrees Aquarius

October 10, 2021: Saturn Stations Direct at 6 degrees Aquarius

2022 Saturn Dates

March 7, 2023: Saturn leaves Aquarius for Pisces

If Saturn is transiting through your 1st House:

This transit, along with Saturn moving through the 4th, 7th and 10th Houses, indicates a major restructuring. The lessons will relate to your identity and how you present to the world. This is the beginning of a new 28.5 year cycle. You’ll feel a strong desire to mature your appearance in some way and an increase in responsibility. Aquarius in the 1st House indicate an friendly, if aloof demeanor and a unique appearance.

If Saturn is transiting through your 2nd House:

The focus and lessons will be on financial maturity, how you relate to your finances, being a steward of your finances. This is about knowing your own value and living as such. What do I own? What can I call mine? What do my possessions and finances mean to me? How do I relate to objects of desire and finances in general. Aquarius in the 2nd House indicates making money from technological advancement, group causes, the ability to see and spot trends and anything to do with the collective.

If Saturn is transiting through your 3rd House:

The focus and lessons will be on communication, community and neighborhood. You will feel called to “find your voice,” and experience issues with siblings and/or your neighborhood. Saturn in the Third house also precedes Saturn in the Fourth, which heralds a major life restructuring. Aquarius in the 3rd indicates a strong, ideological, unique and brilliant, if not ideologically fixed, voice and mind.

If Saturn is transiting through your 4th House:

I cannot overstate how critical this transit is. It’s a complete restructuring of your foundation and cannot be rushed. This is the time to slow down, to assess your roots and your conditionally, as relates to the family, ancestral heritage and society. You may feel greater responsibility to family members at this time. What and who is home? Aquarius in the 4th House indicates that security and home is found in intellectual pursuits and the collective.

If Saturn is transiting through your 5th House:

The focus and lessons will relate to creative expression, dating and/or children, depending on the native’s current life. What is your unique contribution to the world? How do you express love? How do you relate to play and to your hobbies? Aquarius in the 5th House indicates hobbies that are unique or inventive and an attraction to dating unconventionally or unconventional people.

If Saturn is transiting through your 6th House:

The focus and lessons will relate to daily routines, the work environment, skill sets and health. How is your life organized? How are you tending to your physical, emotional and psychological health? Are you burning the candle at both ends? Aquarius in the 6th House indicates remote work, a technologically savvy skillset or service.

If Saturn is transiting through your 7th House:

The focus and lessons will relate to relationships and one-on-one relating. This is another major transit. How are you showing up in partnerships, work, platonic and romantic alike? Aquarius in the 7th House indicates unconventional partners, a need for psychological space within a marriage.

If Saturn is transiting through your 8th House:

The focus and lessons will be on debts, loans, other people’s resources, intimacy and inheritances. You will be called to mature in these matters and to take on greater responsibility. Aquarius in the 8th House indicates a unique perspective on sex and intimacy and death, the occult.

If Saturn is transiting through your 9th House:

The focus and lessons will relate to beliefs, higher education, foreign travel. What is it that you believe? How openminded? Is there a desire to return to school, to seek higher education? Aquarius in the 9th House indicates strong, principled beliefs and a very strong Third Eye.

If Saturn is transiting through your 10th House:

This transit can deliver a peak in terms of career and accomplishment. Mastery and authority are themes, how you relate to your own and to others. This is another highly significant transit. Aquarius in the 10th House indicates principled leadership and a career centered on technology and/or the collective (politics, non-profit, science).

If Saturn is transiting through your 11th House:

The focus and lessons will be on friendship, professional image, groups, fellowships and organizations. Do you feel connected to something bigger than yourself? How do you relate to friendship? Aquarius in the 11th House indicates principled friendship or fellowship, feeling part of something bigger than oneself. Aquarius is the 11th House’s natural ruler.

If Saturn is transiting through your 12th House:

Focus and lessons will relate to letting go. This transit asks that we surrender what we’ve outgrown in anticipation of Saturn entering the first. In my experience with clients, this is one of the most challenging. Aquarius in the 12th House indicates a Third Eye perspective on spirituality or retreat. One finds retreat among group or fellowship. Also, because the 12th House is also the house of self-undoing, a fixed ideology and the need to be right, may be the root of any self-sabotage.

Transits (More coming on this soon)

if Saturn is CONJUNCT (within 2 degrees) of a planet or point it will fortify it, give it backbone, providing a concentration of energy and maturing it.

If Saturn is OPPOSITE (around 180 degrees) from a planet or point it will bring opportunities and lessons through another or external circumstances

If Saturn is SQUARE (around 90 degrees) a planet or point it will create tension, yielding a new result. There is a feeling of being pressured or cornered by circumstances greater than oneself

Saturn always leaves a reward after a transit. What is the diamond being mined?


What are my principles?

What ideologies, if any, do I align with?

What, in my view, are the limits and benefits of technology and technological advancements?

How can I employ technology and technological advancement as an instrument in service to my principles and ideologies?

Do I feel burdened or supported by my friendships?

Do I feel burdened or supported by the groups or organizations I am involved in?

Where do I need to set boundaries?

And, once boundaries are in place, how can I transform burden into empowerment? How can I facilitate myself in standing tall and in my truth?


What does adulthood mean to me?

Where, if at all, do I feel burdened?

Where, if at all, do I feel fear around increased responsibility?

Where is Saturn transiting in my chart?

Do I see any lessons emerging in this area of my life?

Do I feel increased responsibility in this area?

How am I responding to this?

What is the opportunity for me here, the hurdle to overcome?

How can I continue to ground myself in my backbone? What commitments can I make to myself?