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New Moon in Pisces: The Tender Dreamscape

New Moon in Pisces, March 13th

2:21am Los Angeles | 5:21am New York | 10:21am London

09:21pm Sydney

Your Natal Chart & this New Moon

First thing first. If you want to know where New + Full Moons are occurring in your specific chart, you’ll need to pull your chart here if you don’t have it already. You can also learn much more about your Natal Chart through the Intro To Astro Course (included in this membership). 

You’ll notice the numbers outside of the wheel. This is the degree of your House Cusps. Every sign has 30 degrees, 0 to 29. Like I mention in the Intro To Astro Course, I use Equal Houses, which means that every House Cusp is at the same degree. 

This New Moon occurs at 12 Degrees Pisces. If you have, let’s say, Pisces on the 10th House Cusp at 5 Degrees, then this will fall in your 10th House. But if you have Pisces on the 10th House Cusp at 25 Degrees, then this New Moon would actually fall in your 9th House.

This adds a layer of interpretation for how this New Moon will affect you personally.

Danielle’s New Moon in Pisces Reflection

“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy

“If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.”
Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

I recently listened to the Pico Iyer and Elizabeth Gilbert On Being Podcast. “Hope,” she recounted from a text she had read, “is as hollow as fear.” They went on to discuss this sentiment, peeling back the layers of hope, how we live in the past and the future, but so rarely the present. This statement had, she said, quite the effect. She went on to explore the ways in which hope pulls us from the present, where the magic really lies.

When I think of Pisces, I think of poetry, photography, reiki, soft pastels and imagination. I think of limitlessness, moving beyond the physical plane. Time is non-linear, space ever-expanding. I think of flow, transcendence and healing.

Such thinking isn’t tethered to a specific goal. It’s in the experience itself. From the sacred to the mundane, the harsh to the surreal. Om. All encompassing. It’s not where we’re headed. It’s where we are, our state of consciousness, no matter the external circumstances.

The current sky is epic. We have the New Moon in Pisces, with Jupiter and Neptune both in the sign. The energy is expansive, boundaryless, ethereal. And then we have Pluto, Venus and Mars in Capricorn. Power. Aggression. Desire. War. Transformation. Destruction. Rebirth.

Some may choose to peace out, understandably. Pisces is known to slip out the back door. Some may intensify their pursuit. This Capricorn line-up is anything but easy going.

The opportunity here is profound, soul level acceptance of what is. To transmute darkness into light. To cut our losses, commit to what is true and release into the vast unknown.

The world is as precarious as it’s ever been. But life is a continuum. Always has been. How are we going to show up, right in this moment, right now? It’s all we have.


I am love.


What are the most obvious ways I avoid the present?

If I take this moment, right now, to drop into my body, what do I feel, experience?

What, in this very moment, is most present for me?

What, if anything, am I trying to avoid?

How does it feel to move into, closer to that space within and breathe into it?

What’s present for me now?


Intentions differ from goals. While goals are action oriented, intentions express how we want to experience our goals. This heightens their power. For example, we may have a goal of reaching a certain weight, but the weight is simply a number. An intention grants us more agency. I always recommend starting an intention with some variation of “I am gracefully finding myself…” For example, “I am gracefully finding myself feeling lean, flexible, healthy and fit. I am gracefully finding myself loving the way my body feels and my clothes fit.” And because Spirit /The Universe/God is so much wiser and intelligent than we are, I also always include “This Or Something Better For The Highest Good Of All Concerned,” something I learned in my training. This allows us a deeper level of trust and surrender.

New Moon in The Houses: Intention Suggestions To Inspire

If this moon falls in your first house: I lead with compassion and tenderness

If this moon falls in your second house: I am healing my relationship to money. I recognize money as currency

If this moon falls in your third house: I communicate with tenderness and compassion

If this moon falls in your fourth house (or Conjunct your Moon or IC): I am healing my ancestral roots, my relationship to family

If this moon falls in your fifth house (or conjunct your Sun): I allow for flow in my creative pursuits

If this moon falls in your sixth house: I release anything my body is holding onto that no longer serves me. I embody service consciousness

If this moon falls in your seventh house (or opposite your Sun): I am healing blocks to deeper understanding and union in my relationship(s)

If this moon falls in your eighth house: I am healing and releasing my psychological blocks, especially as relates to any pathology or pattern

If this moon falls in your ninth house: I am healing and releasing any core beliefs that no longer serve. (Also, I am dreaming of faraway lands and experiences)

If this moon falls in your tenth house (or Conjunct your MC): I am experiencing healing and release in relationship to my career and/or reputation. I am embody benevolence and compassion

If this moon falls in your eleventh house: I am experiencing healing in relationship to friendship and/or group affiliations. I am dreaming new dreams for my future

If this moon falls in your twelfth house: I surrender to the deepest level of healing and grace, feeling the full support of Spirit

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