
Hi Cosmic Compass Members! I’m moving everything over to Mighty Networks, i.e. version 2.0. Once you sign up over there - see button below - I will manually remove you from this Membership, so you’re not paying twice. If you have any questions, just email me. Excited to have you over in 2.0, as it’s a beautiful community and a more more dynamic and interactive experience.

Welcome to The Cosmic Compass — a monthly astrological membership in service to growth, healing, expansion, and self-realization.

My intention is for this to be a sacred space, one that offers clarity, guideposts, tools and takeaways. The world is an ever-shifting kaleidoscope.

The Cosmic Compass offers ongoing astrological insights, New and Full Moon videos and journal prompts, emotional, spiritual and emotional wellbeing content and cultural commentary, how the stars are revealing themselves through the collective unconscious.

Members have access to the two existing courses and upcoming ones.

I'm so excited to go on this journey with you.

How to Navigate the Membership


Courses & Community

All content and intellectual property © owned by DANIELLE BEINSTEIN

For inquiries, please email danielle@daniellebeinstein.com

Please note that access to this course is monitored by IP Address.

Any unauthorized access or copyright infringement will result in legal action.