Full Moon in Taurus: The Electric Current

Full Moon in Taurus: November 17, 2021

12:57am Los Angeles | 3:57am New York City | 8:57am London | 4:57pm Sydney, Australia

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Your Natal Chart & this Full Moon in Taurus

First thing first. If you want to know where New + Full Moons are occurring in your specific chart, you’ll need to pull your chart here if you don’t have it already. You can also learn much more about your Natal Chart through the Intro To Astro Course (included in this membership). 

You’ll notice the numbers outside of the wheel. This is the degree of your House Cusps. Every sign has 30 degrees, 0 to 29. Like I mention in the Intro To Astro Course, I use Equal Houses, which means that every House Cusp is at the same degree. 

This Full Moon occurs in Taurus at 27 degrees. So, for example, if you have Aries on your 6th House Cusp at 22 degrees, this Full Moon would fall in your 6th House. However, if you have Gemini at 5 degrees on your 6th House Cusp, you’ll actually have this Full Moon in your 5th House

This adds a layer of interpretation for how this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (and all upcoming lunations) will affect you personally.

Danielle’s Taurus Full Moon Reflection

Oh boy, this one’s really something. The energy is just wild. Welcome to Eclipse Season! All those months of retrograding pushing against the dam into the new. The Sun is conjunct Mercury in Scorpio, opposite the Moon in Taurus, 4 degrees away from the North Node which will make its way into Taurus on January 19th, 2022. Eclipses accelerate growth. They’re tethered to the Nodes, which is why we think of them as fated and also why they run on 19 year cycles (the Nodes take about 19 years to travel the Zodiac)

So the first question is: what was going on 19 years ago? That would be 2002. The end of 2002 and into 2003. You may find similar themes surfacing now and and through next year as these Eclipses unfold until October 28, 2023 (the final Eclipse in this Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Series). Of course, 19 years have passed. We’re older and wiser, ripened. But the themes remain.

Scorpio and Taurus are about ownership, possession. The material and energetic worlds. The seen and unseen. What’s tangible and quantifiable and what’s not.

This particular Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (all Eclipses are New + Full Moons. Solar Eclipses are New Moons and Lunar Eclipses, like this one, are Full Moons) is expansive with the square to Jupiter, now Direct, in Aquarius. Everything feels BIGGER. The Sun is conjunct Mercury. The thinking is energetic, subterranean, deeply felt, if not spoken or articulated. Mars in Scorpio is just past its opposition to Uranus. Rebellion, change, electric opportunity or reversals have been popping up. This is not the time to make enemies (is there ever a time for it?) but it’s certainly not the time for passivity. We stand our ground, but we’d be wise to avoid throwing first punches and handing out ultimatums.

Eclipses tend to bring forth information and given the presence of Mercury and Uranus, lightning bolt clarity. Or just a whole lot of activity!

Venus has just begun its extended 4 month stay in Capricorn where it will remain, due to the Retrograde between December 19- January 29, until March 6th. What is solid in our life? What values can pass the test of time? This Taurus Eclipse can help activate that level of maturation and grounding and from this firm foundation, offer us the opportunity to fly. Roots and wings.


I recommend exploring the below thematic suggestions and then taking the time to write, on separate paper, all of your limiting beliefs, fears, anxieties and negative self-talk and either burn, shred or rip them up. Then in the space allowed, allow for a blessing of light, that only that which is for the highest good be brought forward.

Themes for this Full Moon in The Houses

Awareness, Culmination or Release may come in relation to the themes below. Noting them can help, both with the Write and Burn/Shred ritual, journaling and with the prompts below.

If this moon falls in your first house (or conjunct your Sun): Self. Identity. Style. Presentation

If this moon falls in your second house: Finances. Values. Assets. Self-Esteem

If this moon falls in your third house: Community. Communication. Siblings

If this moon falls in your fourth house (or conjunct your Moon or IC): Home. Family. Roots

If this moon falls in your fifth house: Creative Expression. Romance. Hobbies. Children. Games.

If this moon falls in your sixth house: Daily Habits. Health. Routine. Work.

If this moon falls in your seventh house (or opposite your Sun): Partnerships. Relationships. One on One Relating. Open Enemies.

If this moon falls in your eighth house: Intimacy. Taxes. Loans. Debt. Transformation. Entanglement. Death + Rebirth

If this moon falls in your ninth house: Higher Mind. Travel. Law. Publishing. Religion. Philosophy. Beliefs

If this moon falls in your tenth house (or conjunct your IC): Career + Authority Figures. Bosses. Parents.

If this moon falls in your eleventh house: Friends. Groups. Network. Professional Image. Online Community. Technology.

If this moon falls in your twelfth house: Retreat + Restoration. The Unconscious. Dreams. Spiritual Attunement. The Non Material World.


Where am I primed for growth, change and/or expansion?

What is my intuition/gut/instinct telling me about this?

What areas of my life were activated 19 years ago (even if I was a child)? How old was I? What was happening in my life?

Can I see similar themes emerging now? If age appropriate, can I think back to learnings that occurred then? And what may be coming up again now?

How do I relate to myself 19 years ago? Am I compassionate, understanding, judgmental?

Am I able to integrate my younger self into my current self and reality in order to connect to my wholeness?

How can I support myself through this growth, change and/or expansion?



Parker’s Astrology (New Edition Released last month) - This is my recommended textbook for those looking for the deepest dive


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