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Full Moon in Cancer: From Protected to Liberated

Full Moon in Cancer: December 29/30, 2020

Los Angeles 7:28pm | New York 10:28pm | London 3:28am | Sydney 2:28pm 

Your Natal Chart & this Full Moon in Cancer

First thing first. If you want to know where New + Full Moons are occurring in your specific chart, you’ll need to pull your chart here if you don’t have it already. You can also learn much more about your Natal Chart through the Intro To Astro Course (included in this membership). 

You’ll notice the numbers outside of the wheel. This is the degree of your House Cusps. Every sign has 30 degrees, 0 to 29. Like I mention in the Intro To Astro Course, I use Equal Houses, which means that every House Cusp is at the same degree. 

This Full Moon in Cancer at 27 degrees. So, for example, if you have Cancer on your 6th House Cusp at 06 degrees, this Full Moon would fall in your 6th House. However, if you have Leo, let’s say, at 6 degrees on your 6th House Cusp, you’ll actually have this Full Moon in your 5th House.

This adds a layer of interpretation for how this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (and all upcoming lunations) will affect you personally.

Danielle’s Full Moon Reflection

“I suspect the most we can hope for, and it's no small hope, is that we never give up, that we never stop giving ourselves permission to try to love and receive love.”
Elizabeth Strout, Abide with Me

“You couldn't make yourself stop feeling a certain way, no matter what the other person did. You had to just wait. Eventually the feeling went away because others came along. Or sometimes it didn't go away but got squeezed into something tiny, and hung like a piece of tinsel in the back of your mind.”
Elizabeth Strout, Olive Kitteridge

“There are times now, and my life has changed so completely, that I think back on the early years and I find myself thinking: It was not that bad. Perhaps it was not. But there are times, too—unexpected—when walking down a sunny sidewalk, or watching the top of a tree bend in the wind, or seeing a November sky close down over the East River, I am suddenly filled with the knowledge of darkness so deep that a sound might escape from my mouth, and I will step into the nearest clothing store and talk with a stranger about the shape of sweaters newly arrived. This must be the way most of us maneuver through the world, half knowing, half not, visited by memories that can’t possibly be true. But when I see others walking with confidence down the sidewalk, as though they are free completely from terror, I realize I don’t know how others are. So much of life seems speculation.”
Elizabeth Strout, My Name Is Lucy Barton

Oh this Full Moon packs a punch. It’s full of feeling, emotions, secrets, the shadow-y bits, the things we don’t say out loud. But it’s in Cancer, so we might just. It might just bubble on out of us.

The Sun is conjunct Pluto. This is underworld stuff, the things we’d rather not confront or deal with, the things we might stuff. But also, the things we might just not be keen, unconsciously, to let go. And as much talk as there is in wellness circles about letting go, I’m not sure most of us are equipped, to just let go. We do it in time, when and if we’re meant to. But, really, it cannot be forced. I’ll have clients say “I thought I was done with that!” We’re human. It’s rare we’re ever done, done. We sift through the layers. We have moments of transcendence and relief and then we return to our human bodies and form and we integrate. Sometimes something feels complete, but it’s not. And sometimes something actually feels incomplete and then we’re surprised to find ourselves reacting (or not reacting, responding) differently. Our lives may twist and turn in unexpected ways, activating different aspects of our psyche. We may go through long droughts, only to find ourselves suddenly introduced to a stranger who changes our life. We may experience years of activity that come to a halt. The thing about life is, we can’t really plan it all out. We certainly can’t plan out our emotional responses. We’re like water. We’re ever shifting, ever moving. Still, as William Faulkner famously wrote, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

So here we are in this Full Moon and we’re back in the sticky places. Or we’re at least made aware of the sticky places, the feelings, memories, entanglements not so easily surrendered. Some of us revel in this energy, others want a bullet train out. Most of us likely weave in and out.

Our reptilian brains are overactive these days. But when we return to our depths and sink back in to all that we are, all that is, that’s where the peace lies. It’s being able to hold it all, to let it be.

Cancer craves a container. Capricorn provides one. Venus is Retrograde, so is Mercury. Nostalgia is likely to run very high.


I recommend exploring the below thematic suggestions and then taking the time to write, on separate paper, all of your limiting beliefs, fears, anxieties and negative self-talk and either burn, shred or rip them up. Then in the space allowed, allow for a blessing of light, that only that which is for the highest good be brought forward.

Themes for this Full Moon in The Houses

Awareness, Culmination or Release may come in relation to the themes below. Noting them can help, both with the Write and Burn/Shred ritual, journaling and with the prompts below.

If this moon falls in your first house: Self. Identity. Style. Presentation

If this moon falls in your second house: Finances. Values. Assets. Self-Esteem

If this moon falls in your third house: Community. Communication. Siblings

If this moon falls in your fourth house: Home. Family. Roots

If this moon falls in your fifth house: Creative Expression. Romance. Hobbies. Children. Games.

If this moon falls in your sixth house: Daily Habits. Health. Routine. Work.

If this moon falls in your seventh house: Partnerships. Relationships. One on One Relating. Open Enemies.

If this moon falls in your eighth house: Intimacy. Taxes. Loans. Debt. Transformation. Entanglement. Death + Rebirth

If this moon falls in your ninth house: Higher Mind. Travel. Law. Publishing. Religion. Philosophy. Beliefs

If this moon falls in your tenth house: Career + Authority Figures. Bosses. Parents.

If this moon falls in your eleventh house: Friends. Groups. Network. Professional Image. Online Community. Technology.

If this moon falls in your twelfth house: Retreat + Restoration. The Unconscious. Dreams. Spiritual Attunement. The Non Material World.


What is my relationship to the past?

What is my relationship to my personal history?

Loss is inevitable. Heartache, too. But these things do not need to define us. They become part of our story. We heal from some losses. Others we learn to live with, because we have no other option. It’s wise every now and then to reflect on what’s been lost and to also acknowledge what’s been gained. Where do I sit, in this moment, with all of it?

What are my uttermost needs?

Do I feel those needs are, for the most part, being met?

If not, can I just acknowledge that? Can I let myself feel it?

How can I support myself in navigating my past and my present? How can I support my emotional wellbeing?

See this content in the original post


Parker’s Astrology (New Edition Released last month) - This is my recommended textbook for those looking for the deepest dive


Soul (Disney Plus)

Happiest Season (Hulu)

Terms of Endearment


I’m currently reading My Dark Vanessa, which I highly recommend as an exploration of memory, of vulnerability and when we blur the line between protector and perpetrator