New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: The New Story

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: December 3, 2021

11:43pm Los Angeles | 2:43am New York | 7:43am London

4:43pm Sydney

art by Savannah King


Your Natal Chart & this New Moon

First thing first. If you want to know where New + Full Moons are occurring in your specific chart, you’ll need to pull your chart here if you don’t have it already. You can also learn much more about your Natal Chart through the Intro To Astro Course (included in this membership). 

You’ll notice the numbers outside of the wheel. This is the degree of your House Cusps. Every sign has 30 degrees, 0 to 29. Like I mention in the Intro To Astro Course, I use Equal Houses, which means that every House Cusp is at the same degree. 

This New Moon occurs at 12 Degrees Sagittarius. If you have, let’s say, Sagittarius on the 10th House Cusp at 5 Degrees, then this will fall in your 10th House. But if you have Sagittarius on the 10th House Cusp at 20 Degrees, then this New Moon would actually fall in your 9th House.

This adds a layer of interpretation for how this New Moon will affect you personally.

Danielle’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Reflection

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. -Rumi

To change, you must face the dragon of your appetites with another dragon: the life-energy of the soul. -Rumi

The world has morphed since these eclipses began with the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on June 5, of 2020. As this Eclipse Series completes with this Sagittarius Solar Eclipse (at nearly the same degree as that Lunar Eclipse), many of us find ourselves navigating a very different world, having been confronted in ways we never imagined. We’ve been engaged in new conversations, dialogues and debates. We’ve been tasked with evaluating and re-evaluating our worldview. Our beliefs, like our language, shape our reality. This energy cycle been asking us to engage with and take inventory of both.

Sagittarius is the optimist and risk taker. It governs law, publishing, broadcasting, foreign travel, higher education. The last time we were in this Eclipse Series, 19 years ago, we experienced 9/11 and its aftermath, which affected, just as the Pandemic era has, every area listed above.

What is the narrative we’ve woven? What language are we employing to describe it? And what is it that we both believe and believe in?

This Total Solar Eclipse finds the Sun, Moon and Mercury, planet of communication and mental processing, conjunct. Sagittarius’s ruler, Jupiter, is in ideological and principled Aquarius squaring Mars, planet of motivation and drive, in transformational Scorpio. Things are big in every way. The possibilities endless. We expand (Jupiter) through acknowledging the loss (Scorpio). Jupiter inflates whatever it touches. Here, true expansion and flight is on the table. Seeing things from a bird’s eye view and letting the toxicity melt and transform into something healing and regenerative.

This energy can lead to bombastic rhetoric, boastfulness and righteousness. Sagittarius is the preacher, after all. But it’s also the teacher. The wiser play is open-mindedness, a higher perspective.

Would we rather be right or happy?

Our beliefs can cage or they can liberate.

What are yours?

This is a bright, bold new beginning, full of resilience and possibility. Our eyes are on the future. Nearly every planet, save Uranus, is Direct now. Leap, as they say, and the net will appear.

Are you connecting to this energy? What’s coming up in your world?


I have faith.


What are my core beliefs?

Can I identify where my beliefs come from? Are they a result of conditioning, of personal growth work, etc, a mix thereof, etc?

How, if at all, have my beliefs shifted over the last 18 months?

Can I see how my beliefs shape my reality and life experiences?

Do my actions align with my beliefs?

Taking inventory, are there any beliefs that I feel called to update? If so, what are they?

How can I support myself in aligning my actions with my beliefs?


Intentions differ from goals. While goals are action oriented, intentions express how we want to experience our goals. This heightens their power. For example, we may have a goal of reaching a certain weight, but the weight is simply a number. An intention grants us more agency. I always recommend starting an intention with some variation of “I am gracefully finding myself…” For example, “I am gracefully finding myself feeling lean, flexible, healthy and fit. I am gracefully finding myself loving the way my body feels and my clothes fit.” And because Spirit /The Universe/God is so much wiser and intelligent than we are, I also always include “This Or Something Better For The Highest Good Of All Concerned,” something I learned in my training. This allows us a deeper level of trust and surrender.

Scorpio New Moon in The Houses: Intention Suggestions To Inspire

If this moon falls in your first house: I am awakening new aspects of my identity

If this moon falls in your second house: I am open to new avenues for income and income streams. I am valuable.

If this moon falls in your third house: I open my mind to new beliefs and possibilities. My neighborhood or community offers growth and possibility.

If this moon falls in your fourth house (or Conjunct your Moon or IC): I am expanding my horizons at home. I find security in my faith.

If this moon falls in your fifth house (or conjunct your Sun): I am expanding my expression in this world.

If this moon falls in your sixth house: I am open to new avenues for health, wellbeing and to new experiences in my work environment and/or with work colleagues.

If this moon falls in your seventh house: I am growing and expanding through my relationships.

If this moon falls in your eighth house: I am openminded and expansive as I explore the depths of my psyche.

If this moon falls in your ninth house: I am expanding my mind. Wisdom comes from embracing the mystery and the willingness to say “I don’t know”

If this moon falls in your tenth house (or Conjunct your MC): I am open to new possibilities and beginnings in my career

If this moon falls in your eleventh house: I am expanding my network. I am open to new possibilities and horizons in my friendships.

If this moon falls in your twelfth house: I find my faith in sacred attunement



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I just finished The Searcher by Tana French. Beautiful read about being a stranger in a new land, about the limits of the justice system, restorative justice and shifting perspectives. All very Sagittarian


The Banker on AppleTV. What a story!

Kristine LoComment