Full Moon in Scorpio: Knowing and Being Known
Full Moon: April 26/27, 2021
8:31pm LA | 11:31pm NYC | 4:31am London | 1:31pm Sydney
Your Natal Chart & this Full Moon in Scorpio
First thing first. If you want to know where New + Full Moons are occurring in your specific chart, you’ll need to pull your chart here if you don’t have it already. You can also learn much more about your Natal Chart through the Intro To Astro Course (included in this membership).
You’ll notice the numbers outside of the wheel. This is the degree of your House Cusps. Every sign has 30 degrees, 0 to 29. Like I mention in the Intro To Astro Course, I use Equal Houses, which means that every House Cusp is at the same degree.
This Full Moon occurs in Scorpio at 07 degrees. So, for example, if you have Scorpio on your 6th House Cusp at 02 degrees, this Full Moon would fall in your 6th House. However, if you have Scorpio, let’s say, at 15 degrees on your 6th House Cusp, you’ll actually have this Full Moon in your 5th House because 07 degrees comes before 15 degrees.
This adds a layer of interpretation for how this Full Moon (and all upcoming lunations) will affect you personally.
Danielle’s Scorpio Full Moon Reflection
“Real intimacy is a sacred experience. It never exposes its secret trust and belonging to the voyeuristic eye of a neon culture. Real intimacy is of the soul, and the soul is reserved.”
― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
This Full Moon in Scorpio lands us back in the energy of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus Square. While those planets will not exact their next square until June 14th, this Full Moon highlights the energy, with the pileup of energy in Taurus (Sun, Uranus, Venus, Mercury) squaring Saturn in Aquarius and opposing the Moon in Scorpio.
In other words, change. Something these three signs are hesitant to embrace. The Moon is gaining some support from its co-ruler Mars, which is now in fellow water sign Cancer.
I see this as the pre-curser to late Spring’s (or Autumn, in the Southern Hemisphere) windier weather. The sediment in our lives continues to dislodge, as we become lighter, freer, unchained. We’re looking at how we got here, what needs to be transformed, what needs to go, before more rapid changes whip us into new circumstances and realities in late May and June.
I’m sorry. I know many of us are tired. More than tired. We’re weary and fatigued. But Scorpio has such gifts to offer us and there here is so much richness here, so much receiving, if we strip away the pretense and sit in communion with ourSelves, our souls. Long held patterns, especially as relates to the material world, and the practices we’ve engaged in securing resources are up for review. Have we contorted ourselves, or employed more shadow tactics to get what we want? Do we feel we need to?
Intimacy offers us a place to perceive ourselves and those we love as fully human. We’re naked, seen. It isn’t about role playing. It isn’t transactional in the literal sense. It isn’t about showing our best side. It’s the mask slipped from the face.
Similarly, during a period of Spiritual Awakening, layers are peeled back, again and again and again. We feel the flow, the synchronicity and then we don’t. We have a giant release and then smaller ones, or plateau before the next. This is akin, of course, to the natural world. The unseen but felt revealing itself through the landscapes, the flora and fauna. We can see this in our own relationships. How we show up. How we experience others. There are periods of closeness and then distance. And, moreover, with ourselves. We feel in connection with our core selves, and then, suddenly, find ourselves far away, with a yearning to reconnect, to go inward.
Yet changes - or the start of them - experienced now are likely to be long lasting and profound. Part of a continuum, but less cyclical. In the most dramatic sense, tectonic plates rearranging themselves and the land beneath our feet. The very dynamic of desire, if outdated, is in need of repair.
Scorpio Moons are complex. They’re not easily parsed or understand. The feelings aren’t rational, but rather intuitive, deep, knowing. But one thing is sure, when Scorpio is done, it’s done. It gives everything of itself, fully submerging itself into its energetic investments. But it does have a breaking point. And this Full Moon may be one of them.
But, then again, it’s also a beginning.
I recommend exploring the below affirmation suggestions and journal prompts and then taking the time to write, on separate paper, all of your limiting beliefs, fears, anxieties and negative self-talk and either burn, shred or rip them up. Then in the space allowed, allow for a blessing of light, that only that which is for the highest good be brought forward.
Themes for this Full Moon in The Houses
If this moon falls in your first house: Presenting authentically. A transformative experience regarding one’s identity.
If this moon falls in your second house: Feeling empowered regarding personal finances + self-worth, transformation in how one relates to finances or personal self-worth
If this moon falls in your third house: Feeling empowered in thought and speech. transformative learning experience
If this moon falls in your fourth house: Feeling empowered at home. transformative familial or domestic experience
If this moon falls in your fifth house: Feeling empowered in creative self-expression and dating, if applicable. Transformative expression of Self
If this moon falls in your sixth house: Feeling empowered in health + in your skill sets, Health and/or skill set transformative experience
If this moon falls in your seventh house: Feeling empowered in all one-on-one relating. Experiencing true intimacy, a transformative encounter
If this moon falls in your eighth house: Feeling empowered through the receiving of support, having a profound experience of physical intimacy, or a transformative revelation
If this moon falls in your ninth house: Feeling empowered in one’s beliefs, allowing for a transformation of one’s beliefs
If this moon falls in your tenth house: Feeling empowered in one’s direction and goals, allowing for transformation of one’s goals
If this moon falls in your eleventh house: Feeling empowered through group or online involvement, experiencing a transformation in a group or online setting
If this moon falls in your twelfth house: Feeling empowered from cosmic and Divine support, allowing the Divine to transform me
Up until now, how have I gone about getting my desires fulfilled and my needs met? Do I approach them the same?
Is this still working for me? Why or why not?
What is it that I most desire?
What is it that I most need?
Do I believe it’s possible to receive these things without resorting to certain tactics?
How can I support myself in exploring new ways to receive my desires and needs?
Apeirogon by Colum McCann
Normal People by Sally Rooney
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney
A Little Life by Hanya Yanigahara (one of my favorite novels of all time, but be prepared to weep)
Who Dies? by Stephen Levine
Any novel by D.H. Lawrence
Normal People (Hulu)
Homeland (Showtime)
The Americans (was FX, streaming)